Meeting Details
June 26, 2014
Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Regular Meeting
Result: Approved
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Mr. Dennis Long made a motion to ammend the agenda by placing a acceptance of two donations after the retirees are recognized. He then called for a vote to adopt the agenda and the ammendment.
The Elks explained that they received a grant for giving so much and they have to give it away. They voted to dontate $2,000 to the district to enhance security in the buildings
The Galion Youth Football Team gave a description of their program explaining what they offer for the children of the Galion Community. They also shared some of the things they have done to support District activities. This year they want to donate a 10x16 shed for the athletic equipment for the youth football and the District teams. This is approximately a $2,000 donation.
Mr. Long made a motion to accept the donations accepted by the board tonight. Brian and Heath 1st & 2nd and all voted to approve.
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Richard L. Predmore, 39 yrs.
Christine M. Cletzer, 37 yrs.
Cheryl L. Wood, 37 yrs.
JoAnn Wiggins, 34 yrs.
Ronda J. Cullen, 31 yrs.
Joylynn E. Finch, 30 yrs.
D. Melinda Nicholls, 30 yrs.
Denman N. Ray, 30 yrs.
Alice G. Fox, 29 yrs.
Lynn A. Goldsmith, 22 yrs.
Dennise K. Holtzapfel, 21 yrs.
Catherine I. Murphy, 21 yrs.
Juanita L. Nungesser, 20 yrs.
Mr. Stefanik and Mr. Long presented clocks to each retiree
vote for both 3.1. and 3.2
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Request that the Board of Education accept the donation of $2,000 from the Elks to be used for security for campus buildings.
vote above in 3.o
Accept a donation from Galion Youth Football of a shed with a value of approximately $2,000.
Vote above in 3.0
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President
Seconded: Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Community member spoke to the board about the state of the locker rooms and the lack of care of the athletic facilities at Heise Park. She is proud her son is here and he is getting a great education but our fields should represent the pride of the district. There is a lack of toilet paper, lack of paper towels, weeds, poor facilities.
Mr. Stefanik opened a discussion about the district's policy. He explained to parties in attendance the basic framework of Open Enrollment.
Mr. Watkins spoke as a person that has open enrolled his children for seven years. He feels it is an area we can build on and it is wise for the district to look at it and put some uniform procedures in place. We need to figure out a way to compete for these students.
Also suggested crosstraining staff in Central Office on Open Enrollment procedures as well as implementing some procedures and come up with a plan on how to handle growth. He stated that the Open Enroll students are our biggest cheerleaders. Mrs. Kuhns mentioned that the welcome packet could also benefit when she works with businesses and people that are moving into the area. She would be happy to pass out a welcome packet to give newcomers information about the area schools.
Dr. Powell spoke about 3rd grade guarantee. Fall passage 54.3%, Spring passage rate - 85.2%, 13 students testing in the summer. Passage grade is 392. Third graders are offered summer intervention with transportation.
If no passage in summer a plan will be put in place on how to achieve success. Different options are available.
Approve the employment of the following personnel contingent upon subsequent receipt by the Board of a satisfactory criminal record check from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by law and applicable state certification:
vote for all of 7.0
Accept the resignation of Randy L. Endsley, High School Guidance Counselor, effective at the conclusion of his 2013-2014 contractual school year.
Accept the resignation of Amy Buzard, Middle School Intervention Specialist, effective at the conclusion of the 2013-2014 contractual school year.
vote above in 7.0
Approve the employment of Deanna L. Albert as Kindergarten Teacher at Galion Primary School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Laura A. Moore as Kindergarten Teacher at Galion Primary School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Paula J. Prince as Grade 5 Teacher at Galion Intermediate School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Richard D. Ratvasky II as Elementary Art Teacher at Galion Intermediate and Galion Primary Schools. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Paula J. Thomas as High School Math Teacher at Galion High School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Rachel Gangwer as Middle School Math Teacher at Galion Middle School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approve the employment of Lisa Zupan as Guidance Counselor at Galion Middle School. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year.
Kevin Dickinson to Middle School/High School Art.
Marsha Garverick to Grade 5 Teacher.
vote above in 7.0
Accept the retirement resignation of Cheryl L. Wood, Bus Driver, effective July 1, 2014.
Accept the resignation of Debra K. McCleese, 2.5 hr. Cook, effective at the conclusion of the 2013-2014 school year.
vote above in 7.0
Approve Danya Wilson as Administrative Secretary Substitute for the 2014-2015 school year.
vote above in 7.0
Approve the employment of Jennifer L. Allerding as principal of Galion Middle School. Two-year contract with a salary based on the Administrative Salary Schedule.
vote above in 7.0
Approve the following Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2013-2014 school year:
Galion High School Summer School
Krista McKibben
Galion Middle School Summer School
Kyle Burris
Kim Chandler
Chris Cletzer
Sue Stark
Angie Brocwell, substitute
Jill Fenner, substitute
Angie Gimbel, substitute
Amy Graham, substitute
Doris Weals, substitute
Galion Intermediate Summer School
Nicci Lambright, substitute
Summer School Bus Driver: Roxann Ramsey
vote above in 7.0
Approve the following Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2014-2015 school year:
Charlie Miller, Safety Patrol Advisor
Bob Roesch, Head Tennis (Boys/Girls) Coach
Cheri` Laughbaum, Fall Drama Advisor and High School Dramatics Assistant
Bryan Summer, Special Education (Orthopedic) Supplemental
vote above in 7.0
Approve the following seasonal help for Summer 2014 for up to 68 days of grounds keeping at a rate of minimum wage per hour:
Joshua Keller
Anthony Kirk
Spencer Frizzell
vote above in 7.0
Approve the following as Building Leadership Team members for the 2014-2015 school year for the Galion Primary School to be paid the hourly contractual rate of $20.00 per hour from Grant funds:
Ashlee Cuttitta
Katy Erlsten
Jena Gardner
Jamie Maguire
Meghan Tyrrell
vote above in 7.0
Authorize the Treasurer to pay committee members $250.00 and the Chairperson $400.00. The GEA members are appointed by the Association President (with approval of the executive committee). The Superintendent appoints administrative members. The members for the 2014-2015 school year are as follows:
GEA Representatives:
Amy Graham (1st year of a 2 year term)
vote above in 7.0
vote for al of 8.1 - 8.7
Result: Approved
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Recommend approval of the "843 Contract" that outlines the services purchased from Mid-Ohio ESC to the Galion City School District in exchange for the $6.50 per pupil in the District paid pursuant to R.C. 3313.843(H). This contract is issued only this year and remains on file indefinitely unless and until modified by the parties.
Recommend approval of the “845 Contract” that outlines services purchased that are not covered by the 843 Contract with the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2014-2015 School Year.
Recommend approval of the Psychologist additional days contract.
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.1
Approve a School Health Services Contract with the Galion City Board of Health for Nursing services for the 2014-2015 school year.
vote above in 8.0
Recommend that the Galion City School District Board of Education accept the proposal for liability insurance coverage with Ohio School Plan for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.3
Recommend that the Galion City Schools Board of Education approve an agreement with Kennedy Cottrell Richards to represent the district as auditors of the filings for the Medicaid School Program reimbursements.
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.4
Recommend that the Galion City Schools Board of Education approve the purchasing contract between Galion City Schools and Smith Dairy giving Smith Dairy authority to sell commodities to the District in accordance with the MEC Specifications.
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.5
Approve a transportation contract between Galion City Schools and Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkins for transporting student to and from Cardington Schools for summer program.
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.6
Recommend that the Galion Board of Education accept the attached proposal from Schmidt Security to update/replace the security systems in all four buildings. The cost of the entire project over the 13/14 and 14/15 period will be $149,000. The Superintendent and Treasurer also recommend that the board declare the replacement of equipment at this time to be of urgent necessity and for the secuirty and protection of school property, students and staff and therefore is not required to enter into a bid process for the said project. ORC 3313.46(A)
vote above in 8.0
Resolution #062614-8.7
Recommend that the Galion Board of Education approve the Application for deposit of Public Funds with United Bank for a five year period to begin June 27, 2014.
Voted alone
Resolution #062614-8.8
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Recommend that the Galion City School District Board of Education approve the adjustments to the FY2014 Certificate of Estimated Resources.
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Recommend that the Galion City School District approve the FY 2014 Permanent Appropriations.
Voted in 9.1
Recommend that the Galion City School District approve the Certificate of Estimated Resources and Temporary Appropriations for FY 2015
voted in 9.1
Recommend that the Galion Board of Education approve an advance from General Fund (001) to HS Athletic Account (300 900S) in the amount of $7,948.18. The funds will be returnded to the General Fund in FY 2015.
voted in 9.1
Enter Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee.
entered 8:12
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Adjourn meeting at __________ p.m.
Adjourned 8:53
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President
Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |