Board of Education Meeting


1.1 Roll Call


Superintendent Allerding attended via video conference.

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 * Adopt Agenda


Motioned: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

1.4 Acknowledgement of Guests

1.5 Community Input


2.1 Student Recognition

Recognize the following students for demonstrating the Portrait of a Tiger trait, Resiliency:

  • Liam Stitzel - 2nd grade 
  • Megan Bailey - 5th grade
  • Pheonix Hunter - 6th grade
  • Morgan Keener - 12th grade

2.2 OSBA Presentation


3.1 Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Regular Board of Education Meeting Minutes from September 20, 2022


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.2 Donations

Recommend to approve sponsorships and accept donations from area businesses for Spooktacular, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education President  X
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.3 2022-2023 SPARC Council Career Coach Services Agreement

Recommend to approve an agreement between the Galion City School District and SPARC Council Services, for the purpose of providing career coach services, effective August 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.4 2022-2023 NOVA Agreement

Recommend to approve a one-year agreement between the Galion Board of Education and NOVA, for the purpose of administering instructional services and materials related to virtual learning, as attached:  


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.5 2022-2023 North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative - Assistant Technology Coordinator

Recommend to approve the agreement between the Galion City School District and NCOCC, beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.6 2022-2023 Heartland COG/North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative (NCOCC) LAN Management Agreement

Recommend to approve the agreement between the Galion City School District and NCOCC, beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

3.7 2022-2023 Specialized Education of Ohio, Inc. (SESI)

Recommend to approve the attached agreement between the Galion City School District and Specialized Education of Ohio, Inc, which owns and operates the High Road School of Bucyrus, for the purpose of providing specialized services to students in need, effective for the 2022-2023 school year, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


4.1 Resolution Accepting the Amounts & Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission & Authorizing the Necessary Tax Rates and Certifying them to the County Auditor

WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has received the necessary tax information from all political subdivisions for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2023; and

WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has received from each entity the necessary information to establish said rates; and

WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has certified its action thereon to this political subdivision together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this political subdivision and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill limitation;

THEREFORE be it resolved by Galion City School District that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and

THEREFORE be it further resolved that there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said County the rate if each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as indicated above; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Galion City School District approved said rates on October 18, 2022.


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

4.2 Dashboard Report - Spetember 2022


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

4.3 Audit Compliance - System Generated Reports


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

4.4 Five Year Forecast - November, 2022


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

4.5 September 2022 Financial Statements


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


5.1 Student Achievement Report
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

5.2 School Uniform Discussion
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

5.3 Legislative Update
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

5.4 Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Jennifer Allerding, Superintendent

Safety Presentation

Mrs. Jennifer Allerding, Superintendent

6.1 Certified

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Heidi Anderson, High School Teacher, from Masters to Masters + 15, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Angie Campbell, Intermediate School Teacher, from Masters + 15 to Masters + 30, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Jill Fenner, Middle School Teacher, from Masters to Masters + 15, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Amanda Kent, High School Teacher, from Masters to Masters + 15, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Sara Lutz, Primary School Teacher, from Bachelors + 24 to Masters, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Neal Rinehart, Intermediate School Teacher, from Masters + 15 to Masters + 30, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Kelly Showecker, Intermediate School Teacher, from Bachelors to Bachelors + 12, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Madison Skinner, Primary School Teacher, from Bachelors + 12 to Masters, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Elizabeth Volz, Primary School Teacher, from Bachelors + 12 to Masters, effective with the first pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to accept the retirement resignation of Ted Maglio, High School Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 contract year.


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

6.2 Certified Extra-Duty

Recommend to approve the following Certified Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:

Middle School:

  • Sarah Smith - After School Detention


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  

6.3 DLT Members

Recommend to approve the following DLT members for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:

  • Shelly Barton
  • Calli Bauer
  • Violeta Chinni
  • Jenny Jackson
  • Regina Jutz
  • Sara Lutz


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


Recommend to approve the following Middle School field trips for the 2022-2023 school year:

  • November 2-4, 2022 - 6th grade trip to Heartland Outdoor School in Marengo, OH
  • November 9, 2022 - 8th grade trip to Pioneer Career and Technology Center in Shelby, OH


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


Recommend to approve the First Read of the attached Board Bylaws and Policies:


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
_____ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official; 

_____ b.  consider the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, "regulated individual," or student; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
_____ c. consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of property at competitive bidding, or sale or other disposition of unneeded, obsolete, unfit-for-use property if the premature disclosure of the information would give an unfair competitive or bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
_____ d. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ e. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms or conditions of employment;
_____ f. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
__XX_ g. consider details of security arrangements and emergency response protocols where disclosure might reveal information that could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the District's security;
_____ h. consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade          secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance or negotiations with other politics subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance (provided statutory conditions are met).



Motioned: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX  


Meeting Adjourned at: 8:25 PM


Motioned: Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Grant Garverick, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Laura Johnson, Board of Education MemberX