Board of Education Meeting


1.1 Roll Call

Meeting began at 7:30 AM

Present - Long, Kuns, Carson, Zeisler

Absent - Owens

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Adopt Agenda


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX  



  • Mrs. Kuns would like to express that the board went into executive session with no further action to follow.  The Board of Education discussed the topic of negotiations in executive session as stated prior to entering into executive session.  Upon conclusion of the session, the Board adjourned the public session not realizing that anyone was still waiting in the MS.
  • Mr. Stefanik concurred that no action followed the executive session.
  • If anyone has any further questions or clarification, please call Mrs. Kuns or Mr. Stefanik. 



Approve the non-renewal of all employees holding supplemental contracts at the conclusion of the 2014-2015 school year.



Each year supplemental contracts are non-renewed at a spring board of education meeting.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX  


Approve the employment of the following personnel contingent upon subsequent receipt by the Board of a satisfactory criminal record check from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by law and applicable state certification:

4.1 Administration - Resignation

Accept the resignation of Edward Z. Rich as Galion Middle School Assistant Principal, effective August 5, 2015.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX  

4.2 Extra-Duty Resignation

Accept the resignation of Edward Z. Rich as Head Varsity Basketball Coach, effective August 5, 2015.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX  


An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:

_____ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or to consider the investigaions of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;

_____ b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;

_____ c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;

_____ d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sesssions with public employees;

_____ e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;

_____ f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal purposes.


Entered Executive Session at 7:40 AM

Exit Executive Sessin at 8:45 AM




Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX  



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education MemberX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education President   
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Vice President   
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Carson, Board of Education MemberX