Meeting Details
August 7, 2014
Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Work Session
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President
Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Campus Wear Discussion
A suggestion was made to allow spirit wear every day.
Another suggestion was to allow spirit wear on Fridays only.
One problem with Fridays only was that it leaves out some sports since their games are not on Fridays.
A comment was made that whatever policy is adopted it needs to be evenly applied and able to be administrated.
The Board also discussed the option of wearing T-shirts with Galion logos every day.
Pro – promotes school spirit
Cons – hard to administer, campus wear looks better
Hoodies were discussed that they are not allowed with the main reason being the ability to hide contraband.
The administration was asked if they had any suggestions for policy changes.
They brought up the difficulty in administrating logos that can’t easily be seen on shirts.
The Board pointed out the difficulty of understanding the allowable size of a logo according to the policy because it was measured in square inches.
It was suggested that maybe a leadership course was needed for the kids to understand the reason for campus wear.
A discussion was held about the option of allowing non=Galion logos on shirts because some of those shirts are of a better quality. Others believed that was the very thing that campus wear was trying to stop, because some kids cannot afford those shirts.
A discussion was held about whether shirts should be allowed to be untucked.
Pros – most girls do not like the look of tucked shirts.
Cons – hard to administer sagging pants with untucked shirts.
The Board asked the administration report back at the next regular Board meeting with a suggestion of any changes to the campus wear policy. The Board requested that they strongly consider allowing any student to wear Galion logo clothing on every Friday.
Superintendent updated Board concerning maintenance projects completed.
1. The area under the grand stands was cleaned.
2. The weight room equipment was renovated, replaced needed parts and unused items were discarded.
3. The stadium concession was inspected.
4. Locker rooms and weight room were painted.
5. A discussion was held about the need to have students and coaches make it a point to keep these areas clean.
6. Locker rooms need renovated.
7. Boosters are close to building a new concession stand with office for administrative needs.
8. A discussion was held concerning better maintenance of the track.
9. The administration will bring needs with priorities to the Board soon with the assistance of the Boosters.
The Mayor provided an update concerning the Freese Funds.
The Mayor explained the need for addressing the transformer at Heisse Park that is used for the football field lights.
The Mayor reviewed what the Freese Funds are:
1. Established 12 – 14 years ago
2. 1/8th of the funds go towards scholarships
3. The funds are available for parks, recreation for the good of the City.
4. A formula needed to be created and approved by the City.
5. Those eligible for the funds are local governments and non-profits.
6. The suggested formula is 75% given to the entity from the funds with the entity providing the other 25%. This would apply to the City also.
The Mayor shared some of the suggested projects that are being considered.
1. Bike path
2. Splash Park
3. Field House facility with indoor track, playing field for soccer/football, and volleyball and tennis facilities.
The Mayor stated that the funds would be leveraged in order to be able to do projects sooner.
Non-profits were included in the funds for the main purpose of targeting the performing arts.
The Mayor explained why the field house facility was being considered before the stadium renovations was due to the fact that the stadium already exists and is functional but there is nothing like the field house facility.
Enter Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee.
Entered Executive Session at 7:49 p.m.
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |
Reconvened at 8:34 p.m.
Adjourn meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Result: Approved
Motioned: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member
Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member
Voter | Yes | No | Abstaining |
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education President | X | ||
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President | X | ||
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member | X | ||
Mr. Heath Watkins, Board of Education Member | X |