Board of Education - Regular Meeting


1.1 Roll Call


Mr. Mateer - Absent

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 * Adopt Agenda


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

1.4 Community Input


2.1 Recognition

Recognize Bryan Summer for his volunteer work with Galion City Schools.

2.2 Student Achievement Report
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education President

2.3 Legislative Update
Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

2.4 Superintendent's Update
Dr. Jeffrey Hartmann, Superintendent


3.1 Board of Education Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.2 Superintendent's Recommendations - Administrative Personnel

Recommend to accept the resignation of Kayla Heimann, Intermediate School Principal, effective June 19, 2024.

Recommend to transfer Matt Dick from Assistant High School Principal to Intermediate School Principal (grades 3-5) on a three-year administrative contract effective August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2027 with salary to be based on the assigned position, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.3 Superintendent's Recommendations - Certified Personnel

Recommend to accept the resignation of Kim Garver, Intermediate School Teacher, effective the end of the 23-24 school year.

Recommend to accept the resignation of Jessica Watkins, High School Teacher, effective the end of the 23-24 school year.

Recommend to accept the resignation of Mattie Boyd, High School Teacher, effective the end of the 23-24 school year.

Recommend to approve the employment and issuance of a one-year contract to Isaac Niedermier, Teacher,  effective with the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Salary to be based upon the Teacher's salary schedule at Step 0 for the 2024-2025 school year, as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Heather Nicholson, Middle School Teacher, from Masters to Masters + 15, effective with the first pay of the 24-25 contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.

Recommend to correct Item 3.4 of the May 21, 2024 Board of Education meeting, Mindy Wymer was board approved at step 10 for the 2024-2025 school year, however, Mindy should be approved at step 13 for the 2024-2025 school year.


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.4 Superintendent's Recommendation - Classified Personnel

Recommend to accept the resignation of Ron Smucker, Part Time Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 23-24 school year.



Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.5 Superintendent's Recommendation - Certified Extra-Duty

Recommend to approve the following Certified Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:

Middle School

  • Laurie Smith - Tech Coach


  • Matt Dick - Head Varsity Football
  • Cole Plumb - Head Varsity Girls Soccer
  • Cindy Conner - Head Varsity Cross Country

Recommend to approve the following personnel as  Literacy Tutors for the 2024-2025 school year at the rate of $20.00 per hour:

  • Cathy George
  • Sara Palmer
  • Penny Pumphrey


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.6 Superintendent's Recommendation - Pupil Activity Contracts

Recommend to approve the following Pupil Activity Contracts for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:

  • Katie Davis - Head Varsity Volleyball
  • Terry Gribble - Head Varsity Girls Tennis
  • Eric Palmer - Head Varsity Boys Soccer
  • Alan Conner - Head Varsity Girls Golf


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.7 Superintendent's Recommendation - Summer 2024

Recommend to approve the following Certified Employees as Summer 2024 Primary Boot Camp Teacher and Intermediate Summer School Teachers, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position, to be paid $25 per hour:

Primary Boot Camp

  • Rhonda Evak
  • Nicole Pawsey
  • Madison Skinner
  • Samantha Altstadt
  • Jena Gardner
  • Jamie Maguire

Intermediate Summer School

  • Meghan Keller
  • Paula Seng
  • Rebecca Duckworth
  • Marsha Garverick

Recommend to approve the following employees as Summer 2024 Primary Boot Camp Aides, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position:

  • Julia Evak
  • Michelle Harmon
  • Amanda Braen

Recommend to approve the following food service staff for the 2024 Summer Lunch Program, to be paid $25 per hour:

  • Chris Carpenter
  • Sue Kindell
  • Julie Boles
  • Dawn Hunter
  • Jen Butcher
  • Rhonda Evak


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.8 Board Bylaws and Policies

Recommend to approve the Second and Final Read of the attached Board Bylaws and Policies:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.9 Annual Food Service Compliance Report


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.10 2024-2025 Athletic Handbook and Codes of Conduct

Recommend to approve the Galion City Schools Athletic Coach's Handbook, Athletic Code of Conduct and Parents & Athletes Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.11 Job Description

Recommend to approve the job description for GOA Coordinator, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.12 Nursing Agreement

Recommend to approve an agreement between the Galion City School District and Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron to provide professional services, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.13 Memorandum of Understanding - GEA Signing Bonus

Recommend to approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the Galion Education Association and the Galion City School District Board of Education to implement a pilot program for the 2024-2025 school year to pay a cash signing bonus to newly hired teachers qualified and licensed with the necessary endorsements in the following teaching fields:  Intervention Specialist, Mathematics, Science and World Languages


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.14 Memorandum of Understanding - GEA Industrial Technology Instructor

Recommend to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Galion Board of Education and the Galion Educational Association regarding a High School Industrial Technology Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, as attached:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.15 Memorandum of Understanding - Golf Coach


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

3.16 2024-2025 School Bus Routes/Stops

Recommend to approve the school bus routes/stops for the 2024-2025 school year and to authorize the Superintendent to make "as needed" revisions throughout the school year.


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  


4.1 Resolution - Educational Requirements for Substitute Teachers

Recommend to approve the attached resolution regarding educational requirements for employing substitute teachers:


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

4.2 Resolution of Necessity

Recommend to approve the attached resolution declaring it necessary to levy an additional 5/0 Mill tax levy for the purpose of general permanent improvements and requesting the Crawford County Auditor to make certain certifications, pursuant to sections 5705.03 of the Revised Code.


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

4.3 Resolution to Participate in Federal Grants

Recommend to approve a resolution to approve participation in the following Federal Grants for FY 25:

  • Title IA - Improving Basic Programs
  • Title I Non-competitive Supplemental School Improvement
  • Title II-A Supporting Effective Instruction
  • Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment
  • Title V-B Rural and Low-Income
  • IDEA-B Special Education
  • IDEA Early Childhood Special Education
  • Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-competitive Grant
  • 21st Century
  • Agriculture Education 5th Quarter
  • Stronger Connections


Motioned: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

5. Treasurer Update


6.1 Donations

Recommend to accept $1,000 from Anonymous to pay school fees for Class of 2024, Receipt # 241631



Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.2 May 2024 Financial Statements


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.3 Audit Compliance - System Generated Reports


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.4 Scholarship Awards Class of 2024

Logan Keller - Flick Scholarship - $1000 payable to Logan Keller

Madelynn Wegesin - Tracht Scholarship - $500 payable to Madelynn Wegesin

Ava Ball - Smith Scholarship - $2000 payable to Bowling Green State University


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.5 Ohio School Plan Renewal


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.6 Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources Fiscal Year 2024


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.7 Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.8 Temporary Appropriations Fiscal Year 2025


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.9 Fund to Fund Transfer

An amount not to exceed $250,000 from General Fund (001) to Permanent Improvement Fund (003)


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  

6.10 Fiscal Year End Transactions

Recommend to approve authority for Treasurer to initiate all necessary year end transactions needed to balance and reconcile all budget accounts and amend appropriations for all funds with deficit balances on June 30, 2023. Budget, appropriation, advance and revenue changes, if necessary, will be reported at the July 2023 regular meeting.  


Motioned: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  



An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
_XX__a. consider the, employment, or compensation of a public employee or official;
_____ b. consider the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee,official,licensee,"regulated individual," or student; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
_____ c. consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of property at competitive bidding,or sale or other disposition of unneeded, obsolete, unfit-for-use property if the premature disclosure of the information would give an unfair competitive or bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
_____ d. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ e. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms or conditions of employment;
_____ f. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
_____ g. consider details of security arrangements and emergency response protocols where disclosure might reveal information that could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the District's security;
_____ h. consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance or negotiations with other politics subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance (provided statutory conditions are met).


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  


Recommend to approve a resolution to authorize the issuance of a written addendum to the Superintendent's current contract, with such contract addendum effective August 1, 2024


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  


Recommend to approve a resolution to authorize the issuance of a written addendum to the Treasurer's current contract, with such contract addendum effective August 1, 2024


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX  


Meeting Adjourned at: 7:52 PM


Motioned: Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. Mike Mateer, Board of Education Member   
Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Christi Eckert, Board of Education MemberX  
Ms. Kirsten Geyer, Board of Education MemberX