Board of Education Meeting


1.1 Roll Call


Result: Approved

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

1.3 Adopt Agenda & ADDENDUM


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

2. RECOGNITION - Nature Trail

Recognition to the Galion Boy Scout Troop 304 for the completion of a Nature Trail behind the Galion Elementary Schools. During the last two years, the Troop volunteered over 500 hours of service to dig 300 yards of trench, clear a quarter mile of trail, and lay over 60 tons of gravel. The Troop plans to maintain and improve the Nature Trail as a service to the Galion City Schools.

A special thanks goes out to all volunteers involved with this project.

Scoutmaster- Alan Allwine

Boy Scouts- Noah Atkinson, Alex Barker, Casey Barker, Devin Baughn, Evan Belcher, Aron Borden, James Burkholder, Colby Fox, Collin Fox, Austin Hadamuscin, Steve Morris, Wentz Morris, Cody Murphy, Garrett Murphy, Nic Oehler, Gabe Phillips, Landon Rose, Weston Rose, and Paul Sulser.

Youth Volunteers- Cole Phillips and Kevin Phillips

Adult Volunteers - Scott Murphy, Lori Murphy, Nicholas Phillips, Beth Phillips, Jim Sulser, Kelly Rose, Amy Fox, Ed Fox, Nate Van Dorn, Alan Conner, Dawn Burkholder, Vicky Atkinson, Martha Morris, Chris Oehler, Brian Summers, Josh Dyer, and Kyle Baughn


Mrs Kuns and Mr. Stefanik presented a resolution from the Galion Board of Education honoring Troop 304 recognizing their work on the completion of the Nature Trail behind the Galion Elementary Schools.

Mr. Stefanik expressed his appreciation for the hard work they put into this project. He and Mrs. Kuns expressed gratitude for their efforts.

The Pack members expressed gratitude to the board and school for allowing this saying that the Pack appreciates being able to give back to the Galion Community. Hopefully with the help of the PTO they will be able to continue to maintain the project. 

Mr. Keim spoke from the American Legion expressing their appreciation to the Board and recognizing the troop and program.


3.1 Approval of Minutes - August 14, 2013 Regular Meeting


correct Mr. Summer's name in the mintes section 3

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

3.2 Approval of Minutes - September 4, 2013 Special Meeting


1.3 Jennifer Kuns name is spelled wrong

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member  X

3.3 Approval of August 2013 Financial Report


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  



Mr. Long asked those in attendance if they had anything they would like to response


5.1 Local Report Card
Dr. Sandra Powell, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Federal Grants; Mark Stefanik, Superintendent

Overview of new Local Report Card.


Dr. Powell shared the new State report card. She showed what the report card looked like if one would go to the ODE website.

Much coming in 2015 - only have subtotals so far, not component grade. This is first year for this type of display of data. Achievement is what we look most for. Galion letter grade in this area is a "C".  We typically have trouble in decreasing gap in students with disabilities.

Progress - used to be value added - has historically been our best score. This means that students are tested and if they have a significant gain from one year to the next then we earn value added. Galion has earned an "O' in this category. Passage for proficient is a scale score of 400.  We grow our students more than a years growth in a year's time.

state broke value added into 3 areas for the first time  -  gifted - usually see growth in this area, student with disabilities- area we are concentrating on and lowest 

Mr. Long asked if our students that attend other facilities count on our report card. The answer is yes. 

K-3 literacy will be determined after state develops new test that students will begin taking in K - at this time not in place.

Many charts and graphs on website - page 13 mobility rates - we are able to see how mobile our student population is. Right now it is low - only 10% but when broken down into subgroups some groups are highly mobile.

On last page there are teachers and educational levels - Wellness and Physical Education bill and BMI screening presented by state - our phys ed teachers run students through assessments throughout the year and send checksheets in. Ours are collected from grades 2, 4,7 & 9.

Mr. McElligott asked why gap closing was so significant when other grades are higher. Dr. Powell explained that this is most difficult to raise grades in because all subgroups need to be raised to a certain level. Mr. Stefanik brought up graph and explained in detail. Not making it to the line in graph in a subject area by any subgroup earns a "0" for that subject which can lower an average significantly. Galion score was 59.9% "F". one tenth more Galion would have had 60 which would have been a "D". Mr. Stafanik

Mr. McElligott asked if there are particular areas in Math that our students are struggling in. Mr. Stefanik explained that traditionally students perform poorly in application. They may be able to perform the math but when they need to apply that to a real life scenario they struggle in that area.

Dr. Powell directed to page 7 of website page - referred ot OTES - evaluations. The chart will be similar to the way teacher evaluation data will be reflected.

5th grade test was evaluated by educators across the state and said it is very rigourous for 10 - 11 year old age group - in comparison to the other tests.


Approve the employment of the following personnel contingent upon subsequent receipt by the Board of a satisfactory criminal record check from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by law and applicable state certification:


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

6.1 Certified Resignation

Accept the resignation of Diana J. Hurlow, Intervention Specialist at Galion Intermediate School, effective the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year.


vote in #6 above

6.2 Certified

ADDENDUM ITEM - Approve a one-year teaching contract for Denise Converse-McGowan as an Intervention Specialist at Galion Intermediate School (replacing Diana J. Hurlow), effective September 17, 2013. Salary to be based upon the Teachers' Salary Schedule for the 2013-2014 school year.

Approve Michael A. Hartz as a substitute teacher for the 2013-2014 school year.


vote in #6 above

6.3 Classified

Approve Rich Eichhorn as an On Board Bus Driving Instructor for Galion City Schools for the 2013-2014 school year to be paid at the rate of $16.36 per hour.


Approve the following classified substitute personnel, *contigent upon state certification as applicable to position, for the 2013-2014 school year:

Dawn Burkholder, Educational Assistant

Jennifer Ehrman, Educational Assistant


vote in #6 above

6.4 Extra-Duty Resignation

Accept the resignation of Katelyn Hurley as Fall and Winter Cheerleading Co-Advisor for the 2013-2014 school year effective September 18, 2013.


vote in #6 above

6.5 Extra-Duty Assignments

Approve the following Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2013-2014 school year:

High School

Deb Horton, Thursday School Monitor

Elizabeth Pritchard, Thursday School Monitor

Heidi Rietschlin, Thursday School Monitor

Fred Rinehart, Thursday School Monitor

Dave Rinehart, Thursday School Monitor

ADDENDUM - Marcia Wheeler, Fall and Winter Cheerleading Co-advisor (Will not be Freshman Cheerleading Advisor as approved on April 17, 2013.) No Freshman Cheerleading Squad.


Middle School

ADDENDUM - Cheryl Watkins, Fall and Winter Cheerleading Advisor


vote in #6 above

6.6 Home Instruction Tutor

Approve Michael A. Hartz as Home Instruction Tutor for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $20.00 per hour.


vote in #6 above

6.7 Race to the Top Technology Coaches

Approve the following Race to the Top Technology Integration Coaches to be paid a $2,000.00  stipend from the Race to the Top Grant Fund:

High School

Cay Faulkner

Krista McKibben

Brent Tyrrell

Linda Wilson


vote in #6 above

6.8 District and Building Leadership Team

Approve the following District Leadership Teams (DLT) and Building Leadership Teams (BLT) for the 2013-2014 school year to be paid the hourly contractual rate of $20.00 from grant funds:

High School

Tena Eyster

Molly Fairchild

Cay Faulkner

Krista McKibben

Ehrick Williams



vote in #6 above



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

7.1 Resolution to Designate Casino Revenue as Permanent Improvement Funds

In accordance with H.B. 59, Section 3315.18 which requires the boards of education of school districts "to establish a capital and maintenance fund for capital improvement and project maintenance purposes. Boards are required to deposit into this fund from the school districts revenues, an amount that equals 3% of the preceding year's formula amount as defined in ORC 3317.02 multiplied by the previous year's student population of their district. Money deposited into this fund shall be used solely for acquisition, replacement, enhancement and maintenance or repair of permanent improvements as those terms are defined in ORC Section 5705.1. Any money in this fund that is not used in any fiscal year shall carry forward to the next fiscal year." (Ohio Department of Education, FY2014 Set-asides) it is reqested that the Galion City Schools Board of Education designate Casino Revenue as set-aside Permanent Improvement funds to be used for Capital Improvements and  grant authorization to the Treasurer to directly record Casino Revenue into the Permanent Improvement Fund (003) upon receipt. 



vote recorded in # 7 above

7.2 Transfer of Funds & Return of Advances

Approve the following transfer of funds:

$145,199.24 from the General Fund to (001) Termination of Benefits Fund HB 426 (035) to set aside severance funds to be paid out for FY2014 retirements notified to date.

$49,855.59 from the  General Fund (001) to the Permanent Improvement Fund (003). This is the first of two issuances of Casino Revenue  in the 2013-14 FY.


Approve the following return of advances:

$1,200.00 from Show Choir (200 911S) to General Fund (001)

$3,500.00 from Athletic Fund (300 900S) to General Fund (001)




vote recorded in #7 above

7.3 Approve Permanent Appropriations

Approve permanent appropriations for the year ended June 30,  2014 to be submitted to the Crawford County Auditor by October 1, 2013.


vote recorded in #7 above

7.4 Approve Ammended Estimated Resources

Approve amended estimated resources for the year ended June 30, 2014 to be filed with the Crawford County Auditor by October 1, 2013.


vote recorded in #7 above

7.5 Health Insurance Premium Rates

Appreove the following Health Insurance Premium Rates effective October 1, 2013.

Single - $478.96/mo.

Employee +1 - $1,092.94/mo.

Family - $1,525.98


vote recorded in #7 above



Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

8.1 Mid Ohio ESC

Approve the annual contract with Mid Ohio Educational Service Center (MOESC) for contract employee services, staff educational opportunities and various support and assistance as stated in the attached contract in the amount of $312,724 to be directly deducted from semi-monthly foundation payments . This amount may be adjusted as contract services change throughout the year.


vote recorded in #8 above

8.2 Sheakley Services

Approve the annual contract with Sheakley Services in the amount of $497 to cover the management of BWC claims and Unemployement claims. This contract is for services through the Group Retro Program which allows for increased savings for GCSD over a three year period.


vote recorded in #8 above

8.3 K12 School Consultants, LLC

Approve an agreement with K12 School Consultants, LLC for address verification services for Galion resident students educated elsewhere. Galion City Schools will pay K12 School Consultants, LLC $550.00 for each student verified to reside outside the district that is currently reported as the financial responsibility of Galion City Schools.


vote recorded in #8 above


Consider first read of Board Policy 3220 - Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  


Enter Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee.


enter into executive session @ 7:43 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  

10.1 Reconvene from Executive Session

Reconvene @ 


reconvened at 9:13pm.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education Member

Seconded: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX  


Adjourn meeting at __________ p.m.


adjourned @9:14

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice President

Seconded: Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education Member

Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education PresidentX  
Mrs. Jennifer Kuns, Board of Education Vice PresidentX  
Mr. George McElligott, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Brian Owens, Board of Education MemberX  
Mr. Robert Zeisler, Board of Education MemberX