Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Thursday, October 25, 2012
- 6:30pm
Recognition of Girls Tennis Team for Outstanding NCC Record 2012 - Raven Crawford, Kelsey Cassady, Sara Cassady, Sierra Johnson, Kayla LaForest, Donnetta Lester, and Katelyn Smith. Coached by Bob Roesch and Terry Gribble.
Recognition of the safe care in an emergency bus situation: Bus Drivers; Vicki Teerman and Linda Hiatt. Students; Alexandria Baker, Elaine Finch, Jessica Ireland, Makaela Keen, and Merrick Swango.
Recognize the volunteer work of the following individuals for the Visitor Bleacher Installation Project and the additional painting of the endzones and G emblem on the football field:
Painting Project: Chad Early, Kyle Parsons, Nate Lovely, Scott Eckert.
Bleacher Project: Jerry McElhatten, Jim Meyer, Tony Tanner, Randy Moritz, Tim McDaniel, Rodney Dean, Lee Kimberlin, Stan Walters, Jacob Burgess, Larry Palmer, Scott Campo, and Lupe Campo. Maintenance Staff - Joe Tucker, Jeff Shipman, Bill Hurlow.
Approve the employment of the following personnel contingent upon subsequent receipt by the Board of a satisfactory criminal record check from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by law and applicable state certification:
Recommend Brent Tyrrell for a Continuing Contract.
Approve the following classified personnel:
DiAnna Danner - 4 hour cook at Galion Middle School effective October 15, 2012.
Accept the resignation of DiAnna Danner - 2.5 hour cook at Galion Intermediate School.
Addendum Item - Accept the resignation of Christina Boehler - 5 hour cook at Galion High School effective
October 24, 2012.
Approve the following classified substitute personnel, *contingent upon state certification as applicable to position, for the 2012-2013 school year:
Kevin Wechter
Kevin Wechter
Kevin Wechter
Recommend the following Extra Duty Supplemental Contracts:
Middle School Student Council:
Amy Buzard, Co-Advisor
Lucinda Glew, Co-Advisor
Recommend approving a Purchased Services Agreement with Mid Ohio Educational Service Center for Instructional Technology Professional Development in the amount of $3,250.00 to be paid from grant funds.
Approve Contracts for Students with Disabilities for Galion resident students educated by Mount Gilead Exempted Village Schools:
a. Contract for Handicapped Pupils - Open Enrollment.
b. Contract for Handicapped Pupils - Pre-School.
Approve Contract for Student with Disability for Galion resident student educated by Ontario Local Board of Eduction -contract for Handicapped Pupil - Open Erollment.
Approve a Spanish Enrichment Service Contract between the Board of Education of Galion City School District and Carolina Martinez Karam for the 2012-2013 school year to be paid from the Galion Community Education Foundation Grant .
Approve the Second reading for Middle School grades 6-8 Curriculum for Reading, Math, and Technology electives.
WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has received the necessary tax information from all political subdivisions for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2013; and
WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has received from each entity the necessary information to establish said rates and
WHEREAS the Budget Commission of Crawford County, Ohio, has certified its action thereon to this political subdivision together with an estimate by the County Auditor of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this political subdivision and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill limitation; therefore be it
RESOLVED by Galion City School District that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and be it further
RESOLVED that there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said County the rate if each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as indicated above, and be it further
RESOLVED that Galion City School District approved said rates on October 25, 2012.
1. David Smith, Brewer Garrett Company - energy savings.
2. Levy.
3. Local Report Card Area Comparisons.
4. ACT Data Review.
Change the Regular Board Meeting at the Middle School Computer Lab from December 13, 2012 to Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
Set a Special Board Meeting at the Middle School Computer Lab on November 29, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. for OSBA revisit of setting school goals for next school year.