Board of Education - Regular Meeting

Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Tuesday, May 21 - 6:30pm - 9:45pm


    1.1 Roll Call

    1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

    1.3 * Adopt Agenda

    1.4 Community Input


    2.1 Student Achievement Report
    Mrs. Melissa Miller, Board of Education President

    2.2 Legislative Update
    Mr. Dennis Long, Board of Education Vice President

    2.3 Superintendent's Update
    Dr. Jeffrey Hartmann, Superintendent

    2.4 Ohio Auditor of State Award


    3.1 Board of Education Meeting Minutes

    April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes

    3.2 Superintendent's Recommendations - Administrative

    Recommend to approve a three-year administrative contract effective August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2027 with salary to be based on the assigned position, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position:

    • Heather Carney - School Psychologist
    • Matt Dick - High School Assistant Principal
    • Katy Erlsten - Primary School Principal
    • Brian Owens - Chief of Operations
    • Jacqueline Robbeloth - Supervisor of Learning Improvement
    • Sam Staton - Primary School Assistant Principal
    • Melisa Watters - Chief Academic Officer

    3.3 2024-2025 Limited and Continuing Certified Contracts

    Recommend to approve the following Limited and Continuing Certified Contracts for the 2024-2025 school year:

    • Deanna Albert - First year of second three year
    • Cliff Altman - Second one year
    • Samantha Altstadt - Second year of first two year
    • Calli Bauer - Second year of second two year
    • Laura Boccio-Correa - Third year of first three year
    • Jenna Bollinger - Second year of second two year
    • Haylie Bowlby - Third one year
    • Mattie Boyd - Second one year
    • Angie Campbell - First year of second three year
    • Skye Carpenter - Second one year
    • Amanda Courtright - Third year of first three year
    • McKenna Deskins - Second one year
    • Rebecca Duckworth - Third one year
    • Lucinda Edgell - First year of first three year
    • M. Cay Faulkner - First year of fifth three year
    • Tiffany Fox - Third one year
    • Rachel Gangwer - First year of second three year
    • Jena Gardner - First year of fourth five year
    • Kimberly Garver - First year of first two year
    • Alisha Griffin - First year of second two year
    • Katherine Guy - First year of first two year
    • Nate Hall - Second one year
    • Maggie Harlan - Second one year
    • JT Harris - Second year of first two year
    • Lindsey Harris - Second year of first three year
    • Maura Hartley - First year of second two year
    • Laura Humberson - First year of second three year
    • Elizabeth Ice - Second year of first three year
    • Meghan Keller - Third one year
    • Amanda Kent - Third year of first three year
    • Dave Kirk - Third year of first three year
    • Eric Legron - Third one year
    • Felicity Melendez - First year of first two year
    • Heather Nicholson - Second one year
    • Theresa O'Deens - Second one year
    • Sarah Oney - Third one year
    • Nicole Pawsey - Third one year
    • Cole Plumb - First year of second two year
    • Josh Riggle - Second year of second three year
    • Neal Rinehart - Second year of second three year
    • Chance Robinette - Third one year
    • Aleta Rowe - Second year of second three year
    • Paula Seng - Third year of first three year
    • Dorothy Sharrock - Second one year
    • Kelly Showecker - Third one year
    • Madison Skinner - First year of second two year
    • Paige Smith - First one year
    • Sarah Smith - Third one year
    • Kaisey Speck - Second one year
    • Moira Stinehour - Second year of first three year
    • Amanda Stricklen - Second one year
    • Cindy Strickler - Second one year
    • Michelle Talbott - Third year of first three year
    • Olivia Tanner - First year of first two year
    • Elizabeth Volz - First year of first three year
    • Jessica Watkins - Third one year
    • Alison Weltmer - Second year of first three year
    • Ben Wiggins - Second one year
    • Mitch Willeke - Third one year
    • Suzanne Woodmansee - First year of second three year
    • Christy Zender - Third one year
    • Shelly Barton - Continuing 
    • Elizabeth Baughn - Continuing 
    • Lesley Buzza - Continuing 
    • Kimberley Chandler - Continuing 
    • Cindy Conner - Continuing 
    • Ashlee Cuttitta - Continuing 
    • Angela Degray - Continuing 
    • Sara Dick - Continuing 
    • Kevin Dickinson - Continuing
    • John Erlsten - Continuing 
    • Rhonda Evak - Continuing 
    • Jill Fenner - Continuing 
    • Lisa Fisher - Continuing 
    • Lynne Foust - Continuing 
    • Marsha Garverick - Continuing 
    • Kristin Gearheart - Continuing 
    • Angela Gimbel - Continuing 
    • Lucinda Glew - Continuing 
    • Julie Gove - Continuing 
    • Jessica Hammond - Continuing 
    • Julie Human - Continuing 
    • Jennifer Jackson - Continuing 
    • Kristi Jackson - Continuing 
    • Amy Johnson - Continuing 
    • Isaac Keinath - Continuing 
    • Jamie Maguire - Continuing 
    • Sean Maguire - Continuing 
    • Laurie Obenour - Continuing 
    • Paula Prince - Continuing 
    • Jenny Reagan - Continuing 
    • Gina Redman - Continuing 
    • Heidi Rietschlin - Continuing 
    • Fred Rinehart - Continuing 
    • Todd Roston - Continuing 
    • Rashan Rush - Continuing 
    • Christine Smith - Continuing 
    • Laurie Smith - Continuing 
    • Jon Stinehour - Continuing 
    • Jennifer Tanner - Continuing 
    • Amy Tyree - Continuing 
    • Meghan Tyrrell - Continuing 
    • Jaime Valentine - Continuing 
    • Sarah Wegesin - Continuing 
    • T. Curt Wiggins - Continuing 
    • Charles Wilson - Continuing 
    • Troy Yunker - Continuing 

    3.4 Superintendent's Recommendations - Certified

    Recommend to correct Item 6.2 of the May 16, 2023 Board of Education meeting, Sara Lutz was board approved with a Limited Contract (first year of a second three year) for the 2023-2024 school year, however, Sara should be approved with a Continuing Contract for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Recommend to approve the employment and issuance of a one-year contract to Amy Stuttler, Teacher, effective with the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Salary to be based upon the Teacher's salary schedule at Step 7 for the 2024-2025 school year, as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement.

    Recommend to approve the employment and issuance of a one-year contract to Mindy Wymer, Intervention Specialist, effective with the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Salary to be based upon the Teacher's salary schedule at Step 10 for the 2024-2025 school year, as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement.

    3.5 Extra Compensation for Certified Employees

    Recommend to approve compensation in the amount of $300 for the following Certified Staff for accompanying 8th grade students to Washington D.C.:

    • Cindy Glew
    • Julie Gove
    • Cole Plumb
    • Charles Wilson
    • Heather Nicholson
    • Elizabeth Ice (as an alternate)

    3.6 Superintendent's Recommendations - Certified Extra-Duty

    Recommend to approve the following Certified Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.  Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:

    Primary School

    • Lynne Foust - Tech Coach

    Intermediate School

    • Jenny Jackson - Tech Coach

    High School

    • Felicity Melendez - Tech Coach
    • Jessica Hammond - GECA Advisor
    • Jessica Hammond - National Honor Society Advisor
    • Felicity Melendez - Senior Class Advisor
    • Amanda Kent - Junior Class Advisor
    • Olivia Tanner - Junior Class Advisor
    • Jessica Watkins - Sophomore Class Advisor
    • Haylie Bowlby - Freshman Class Advisor
    • Amanda Kent - Student Council Advisor
    • Olivia Tanner - Student Council Advisor
    • Jenna Bollinger - Foreign Language Club (1/2 contract)
    • Jenna Bollinger - Academic Challenge
    • Cay Faulkner - Yearbook Advisor
    • Theresa O'Deens - Jazz Band
    • Theresa O'Deens - Pep Band
    • Theresa O'Deens - Marching Band
    • Theresa O'Deens - Instrumental Drama Assistant
    • Theresa O'Deens - Vocal Drama Assistant
    • Felicity Melendez - Fall Drama
    • Felcity Melendez - Spring Musical
    • Cindy Strickler - Showtunes


    • Curt Wiggins - Head Varsity Swimming

    3.7 Superintendent's Recommendation - Classified

    Recommend to approve employment of the following Classified Substitute Personnel, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements as applicable to the position, for the 2023-2024 school year:

    • Terry Miller - Substitute Bus Driver

    3.8 2024-2025 Certified/Classified Substitute Pay Rates

    Recommend to approve the following Temporary Summer Help pay rates, recommended by the Superintendent, effective for Summer 2024:

    • Employees age 18 and over - $10.00 per hour

    Recommend to approve the following Certified and Classified Substitute pay rates, recommended by the Superintendent, effective with the 2024-2025 school year:

    • Substitute Teacher - $125.00 per day
    • Substitute Custodian - Step 0 Custodian Rate of the OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year
    • Substitute Bus Driver - Step 0 Bus Driver Rate of the OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year
    • Substitute Secretary - Step 0 Secretary Rate of the OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year
    • Substitute Food Service - Step 0 Cook Rate of the OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year
    • Substitute Educational Assistant - Step 0 Educational Assistant Rate of the OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2024-2025 school year

    Recommend to approve a Retention Incentive for Classified Substitute Personnel in the amount of $100 for every 10 full days (80 hours) worked, to be paid out twice a year, to expire at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.

    3.9 Unclassified Support Staff

    Recommend to approve Unclassified Administrative Support Staff Contracts for the following, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, with salary to be based upon the position for the 2024-2025 school year:

    • Regina Jutz
    • Stacey Kuehlman
    • Sherri McMullen
    • David Stoyko
    • Danya Wilson

    3.10 Resolution for Suspension of an Administrative Contract


    An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
    __XX___a. consider the employment of a public employee official;
    _____ b. consider the investigationof charges or complaints against a public employee,official,licensee,"regulated individual," or student; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
    _____ c. consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of property at competitive bidding,or sale or other disposition of unneeded, obsolete, unfit-for-use propertyif the premature disclosure of the information would give an unfair competitive or bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
    _____ d. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
    _____ e. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms or conditions of employment;
    _____ f. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
    _____ g. consider details of security arrangements and emergency response protocols where disclosure might reveal information that could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the District's security;
    _____ h. consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance or negotiations with other politics subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance (provided statutory conditions are met).
    RECESS TIME: 6:53 PM

    3.12 Resolution for Suspension of Administrative Contract




    The Board of Education of the Galion City School District (“Board”) met in regular session on May 21, 2024 with the following members present:

    Kirsten Geyer Melissa Miller

    Christi Eckert Dennis Long

    Mike Mateer

    WHEREAS, the Superintendent has recommended the reorganization and/or consolidation of the administrative functions of the Technology Department in accordance with Board Policy 1540; and

    WHEREAS, the Superintendent has determined that suspension of the administrative contract of the IT Coordinator is warranted based upon the necessary reorganization and/or consolidation of administrative functions of the Technology Department; and

    WHEREAS, all required notifications to the affected IT Coordinator have been properly delivered.

    NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that:

    The individual employment contract of IT Coordinator Steven Hammond shall be suspended, effective on June 30, 2024.

    IT Coordinator Steven Hammond shall be placed on the recall list and has been informed of his recall rights under Board Policy 1540.

    The Treasurer is directed to inform IT Coordinator Steven Hammond of the Board’s action and to provide him with a copy of this Resolution.




    3.13 2024-2025 School Fees & Tech Premiums

    Recommend to approve student school fees and technology usage premiums for the 2024-2025 school year, as attached:

    3.14 Avita Health Care Work Well Program

    Recommend to approve the Avita Health Care Work Well Program as the designated location for conducting the required Bus Driver physicals for the 2024-2025 school year.

    3.15 Graduation Recommendations

    Recommend to approve the attached list of Seniors for the 2023-2024 Galion City Schools Graduation, contingent upon successful completion of graduation requirements:

    3.16 Field Trips

    Recommend to approve the following field trips for the 2023-2024 school year:

    • May 14, 2024 - 6th grade to the Infield in Lexington, OH

    3.17 Fundraiser

    Recommend to approve the Junior Class to sell Charleston Wrap in the fall of 2024 as a fundraiser for Prom.

    3.18 Representation of Legal Counsel

    Recommend to approve the addition of the following firm to the list of firms to be utilized for legal counsel for the Galion City School District for the calendar year 2024:

    • Weston Hurd LLP

    3.19 Board Bylaws and Policies

    3.20 Use Agreement for Track with City of Galion




    An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
    __XX___a. consider the employment and compensation of a public employee;
    _____ b. consider the investigationof charges or complaints against a public employee,official,licensee,"regulated individual," or student; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
    _____ c. consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of property at competitive bidding,or sale or other disposition of unneeded, obsolete, unfit-for-use propertyif the premature disclosure of the information would give an unfair competitive or bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
    _____ d. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
    _____ e. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms or conditions of employment;
    _____ f. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
    _____ g. consider details of security arrangements and emergency response protocols where disclosure might reveal information that could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the District's security;
    _____ h. consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance or negotiations with other politics subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance (provided statutory conditions are met).
    RECESS TIME: 7:25 PM

    8. ADJOURN

    Meeting Adjourned at: 9:48 PM
