Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
- 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Recognize the following students for demonstrating the Portrait of a Tiger trait, Person of Integrity:
January 10, 2023 Organizational Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023 Regular Board of Education Monthly Meeting Minutes
Recommend to approve participation in open enrollment with school districts throughout the state of Ohio for the 2023-2024 school year.
Recommend to accept a $1000 donation from the Galion Boosters Club, to distribute evenly to each building's principal's fund. (Receipt # 230941)
Recommend to accept a $5000 donation from the Galion Boosters Club, for Boys and Girls Basketball Uniforms, Boys and Girls Soccer Uniforms and Volleyball Uniforms. (Receipt 230970)
Recommend to accept a $500 donation from the Galion Elementary PTO, to distribute Galion Primary School principal's fund. (Receipt # 231042)
Recommend to approve a fundraiser for the Sophomore class selling products from Crossroads. All orders will be placed online.
Recommend to approve a fundraiser for the Performing Arts, selling Domino's Pizza cards. Orders may be placed online and will benefit the Spring Musical.
Recommend to approve a fundraiser for the Freshman class, selling cookie dough through Otis Spunkmeyer. Orders may be placed online or with students and the proceeds will benefit the Freshman class to build funds for the prom their Junior year.
Recommend to adopt the resolution authorizing membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2023-2024 school year, as attached:
Recommend to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Galion Board of Education, Galion Educational Association and Ohio Association of Public School Employees regarding the supplemental position of Assistant Middle School Track Coach for the 2022-2023 school year, as attached:
Recommend to approve the amended Fiscal 2023 Appropriations as shown to accomodate the purchase of two floor scrubbers, from the Pernament Improvement Fund and the OSFC Maintenance Fund, respectively.
Recommend to approve a change of placement on the pay scale for Calli Bauer, Middle School Teacher, from Bachelor to Bachelor + 12, pro-rated and effective the the fourteenth pay of the current contract year, per Article X of the Negotiated Agreement.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Michael Moore, High School Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Luke Warkall, Instrumental Music Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Jane Kundu, Vocal Music Teacher, effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
Recommend to approve Deb Horton as a Long Term Substitute Spanish Teacher, effective February 3, 2023, to be paid at a rate of $125 per day, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.
Recommend to approve Shelly Barton as the Middle School Academic Challenge Advisor, to be paid at the rate of $25 per hour, for the 2022-2023 school year.
Recommend to approve the following Certified Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:
Recommend to accept the resignation of Kyle Mann, Primary School Head Custodian, effective January 27, 2023.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Ranee Stumpf, Bus Driver, effective January 30, 2023
Recommend to grant Mavis Mallory, Bus Driver, a leave of absence from January 23, 2023 through January 23, 2024.
Recommend to approve the employment of Leslie Ramey, Full Time Bus Driver, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Employment terms to be based upon Article 4 of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Galion City Schools Board of Education and OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule at Step 0 for the 2022-2023 school year.
Recommend to approve employment of the following Classified Substitute Personnel, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements as applicable to the position for the 2022-2023 school year:
Recommend to approve the following Pupil Activity Contracts for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Compensation to be based upon the Extra-Duty Pay Schedule as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement, if applicable:
Recommend to approve the purchase of one 84-Passenger Blue Bird T3FE Yellow School Bus for $128,958.00 using Federal Award of $64,453.80 as shown on the attached documents.
Recommend to approve the following Middle School field trips for the 22-23 school year:
Recommend to approve the following Intermediate School field trips for the 22-23 school year:
Recommend to approve the following Athletic Summer Camp:
An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
_____ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official;
_____ b. consider the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, "regulated individual," or student; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
_____ c. consider the purchase of property for public purposes, the sale of property at competitive bidding, or sale or other disposition of unneeded, obsolete, unfit-for-use property if the premature disclosure of the information would give an unfair competitive or bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
_____ d. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ e. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms or conditions of employment;
_____ f. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
_____ g. consider details of security arrangements and emergency response protocols where disclosure might reveal information that could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the District's security;
_____ h. consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance or negotiations with other politics subdivisions regarding requests for economic development assistance (provided statutory conditions are met).
Meeting Adjourned at: 7:58 PM