Galion High School Cafetorium
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
- 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Recognize the following Boys Bowling Team Members for their 4th place finish in the OHSAA:
Recognize 11th grade student Jack Wright for his Boy Scout Troop 304 Eagle Scout Project
Recommend to accept donation of $189.72 from the Galion Community Foundation for the Galion High School HOBY program.
Recommend to accept $593.75 from the Galion City Schools Booster Club as a donation toward the purchase of the Senior Class of 2020 yard signs.
Recommend to accept a $100.00 donation to go toward negative student accounts from Anne Mahoney, as a thank you for the lunch deliveries to children during the COVID-19 crisis.
Recommend to accept a donation of team benches, which were an Eagle Scout Project from 11th grade student Jack Wright.
Recommend to accept Anonymous donation of $934.25 from Galion Elementary staff members to apply toward school fees for Galion Intermediate School Fifth grade class
Recommend to approve the following Limited and Continuing Certified Contracts for the 2020-2021 school year:
Recommend to pay a $750 stipend to Todd Roston, Middle School Teacher, for participation and completion of a required PLTW Design & Modeling course.
Recommend to approve the employment and issuance of a one-year teaching contract to Samantha Altstadt, Primary Intervention Specialist, effective with the 2020-2021 school year, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Salary to be based upon the Teacher's salary schedule at Step 0 for the 2020-2021 school year, as defined in the GEA Negotiated Agreement.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Tena Eyster, High School Counselor, effective May 31, 2020.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Tina Crim as Primary School Teacher, effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year, pending her approval as Primary School Student Support Services Specialist.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Isaac Kilgore, Middle School Head Custodian, effective May 8, 2020.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Phillip Amerine, Middle School Custodian, effective May 10, 2020.
Recommend to approve the employment of Phillip Amerine as Middle School Head Custodian, effective May 11, 2020, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Employment terms to be based upon Article 4 of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Galion City Schools Board of Education and OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2019-2020 school year.
Recommend to approve the non-renewal of the following individuals holding a retire/rehire contract with the district at the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year:
Recommend to approve the employment of the following employees, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position. Employment terms to be based upon Article 4 of Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Galion City Schools Board of Education and OAPSE Local #370 Salary Schedule for the 2020-2021 school year.
Recommend to approve the following food service staff for the 2020 summer lunch bus program:
Recommend to approve the following one-year limited retire/rehire teacher contract to the following for the 2020-2021 school year contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position, per Article VIII, Section H of the GEA Negotiated Agreement :
Recommend to approve a two-year administrative contract effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2022 to Tina Crim as Student Support Service Specialist for the Primary School, effective August 1, 2020. Salary to be based upon the Administrator/Unclassified Administrative Support Staff Salary Plan and contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position.
Recommend to approve a two-year administrative contract effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2022 with salary to be based on the Administrative Salary Plan for the assigned position, contingent upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position:
Notice of Intent to Terminate Non-Teaching Employment Contract with Galion City School District Pursuant to ORC Section 124.34 and Article 4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Galion City School District Board of Education and OAPSE and Its Local #370
An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
_XX__ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or to consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
_____ b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;
_____ c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
_____ e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
_____ f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal purposes.
_____g. no action taken.
Recommend to approve an agreement between Galion City School District and Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) for the transportation of District students throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
Recommend to approve the agreements between the Galion City School District and NCOCC, beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, as attached:
Recommend to approve the Avita Health Care Work Well Program as the designated location for conducting the required bus driver physicals for the 2020-2021 school year.
Recommend to approve an agreement between the Galion City Board of Education and the Galion City Health Department, for the purpose of administering nursing services for the 2020-2021 school year, as attached:
Recommend to approve the attached list of Seniors for the 2019-2020 Galion City Schools Graduation, contingent upon successful completion of graduation requirements, as attached:
Recommend to approve the following Temporary Summer Help pay rates, recommended by the Superintendent, effective for Summer 2020:
Recommend to approve the following Certified and Classified Substitute pay rates, recommended by the Superintendent, effective with the 2020-2021 school year:
Recommend to approve the Second Read of the revised Board Bylaws and Policies, as attached:
An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:
__XX___ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or to consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
_____ b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;
_____ c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
_____ d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
_____ e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
_____ f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal purposes.
_____g. no action taken.
Meeting Adjourned at: 7:50 PM