Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
- 6:15pm - 7:15pm
Oath of Office of Re-Elected Board Members:
Election and Oath of President - Mr. Grant Garverick
Election and Oath of Vice President - Mr. Brian Owens
Recommend to establish the following 2020 Board of Education Regular Meeting dates:
Day: 3rd Tuesday of every month
Time: Typically has been 6:30 p.m.
Location: Typically Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Recommend to establish the following 2020 Board of Education special meeting dates to provide the opportunity to discuss Board business in a work session format and to transact any business that the Board determines necessary.
The following meetings will be held in the Galion Middle School Computer Lab and begin at 6:30 p.m.:
Recommend to establish a date for the District Records Commission Meeting, as follows: (Statutory members are the President and Treasurer of the Board and the Superintendent of Schools).
Recommend to designate the following Board Member appointments for the 2020 calendar year, as follows:
1- One (1)- Legislative Liaison- Mr. Dennis Long
2- One (1)- Delegate and One (1) Alternate to the Ohio School Boards Association Annual Conference- - DELEGATE; Mr. Grant Garverick - ALTERNATE Mr. Brian Owens
3- One (1)- Student Achievement Liaison- Mr. Brian Owens
4- One (1)- Pioneer Career Technology Center School Board- Dennis Long (appointment for a 3 year term, term expires 2022- see attached) Mr. Dennis Long
5- One (1)- Representative and One (1) Alternate - GEA Labor Relations Committee- - REPRESENTATIVE - Mr. Brian Owens; - ALTERNATE- Mr. Mike Mateer
6- One (1)- Representative and One (1) Alternate- OAPSE Labor Relations Committee- - REPRESETATIVE- Mr. Grant Garverick ; - ALTERNATE- Mr. Mike Mateer
7- One (1)- Audit Committee- Mrs. Debra Donaldson
8- One (1)- Policy Committee- Mr. Grant Garverick; Mrs Debra Donaldson as alternate.
Recommend to designate District newspapers as the Galion Inquirer and Newspaper Network of Central Ohio.
Recommend to approve the following list of firms to be utilized for legal counsel for the Galion City School District for the calendar year 2020:
Motion by Mr. Dennis Long and second by Mr. Brian Owens. All aye.