Galion Middle School Computer Lab
Thursday, November 8, 2012
- 6:30pm
Recognition of the 2012 Golf Team Qualifying for the Northwest District Golf Tournament - Clayton Kendall, Seth VanDine, Eric Powell, Connor Campbell, Spencer Reynolds, and Evan Huggins as alternate. Coached by Bryce Lehman and Mark Barrier.
Mrs. Day presented the Amended October Financial Report.
Approve the employment of the following personnel contingent upon subsequent receipt by the Board of a satisfactory criminal record check from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and Federal Bureau of Investigation as required by law and applicable state certification:
Tutor - Galion St. Joseph School
Recommend Nancy Rolsten as a tutor at St. Joseph School effective November 9, 2012. The position is for three hours per day, one hour to be funded by Title I funds and two hours per day from Auxiliary Service Personnel Funding.
Accept the resignation of Jon Haas, Technician, effective November 7, 2012.
Approve Bridgette Vavra as 2.5 hour Cook at the Intermediate Elementary School effective November 12, 2012.
ADDENDUM ITEM - Approve Elaine Lamp as 4 hour Cook at the High School effective November 12, 2012.
Approve the following classified substitute personnel, *contingent upon state certification as applicable to position, for the 2012-2013 school year:
Substitute Cook:
Samantha Anderson
Stacey Kuehlman
Substitute Custodian:
Mandy LaForest
Substitute Educational Assistant:
Stacy Cameron
Dale Knowlton
Julie Knowlton
Stacey Kuehlman
Mandy LaForest
Judy Remy
Glinda Sparks
Substitute Secretary:
Stacey Kuehlman
Mandy LaForest
Bridgette Vavra
Substitute Para-Professional:
Stacy Cameron
Glinda Sparks
Approve Amy Johnson to conduct Speech/Language Screenings and qualified services for students currently attending St. Joseph School in Galion for the 2012-2013 school year. To be paid $20.00 per hour not to exceed 78 hours total. This position will be paid from the IDEA-B Federal Grant.
ADDENDUM ITEM - Approve Cheri` Laughbaum as Fall Drama Advisor at the contractual rate of $20.00 per hour to be paid from the Fall Drama student activity account.
Approve the following Extra-Duty Assignments for the 2012-2013 school year:
Colby Bright - JV Boys Basketball Coach
Jordan Hatcher - 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
Chris Hatcher - 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
Michelle Harmon - H.S. Winter Cheerleading Co-Advisor
Jena Opperman - Head Softball Coach
Josh Barnett - Middle School Wrestling Coach
Ted Maglio - Freshman Boys Basketball Coach
Approve Lisa Fisher as a Home Instruction Tutor for the 2012-2013 school year at the rate of $20.00 per hour.
Approve the First reading for the following Curriculum:
1. 21st Century Skills (grades 6-8)
2. 21st Century Skills (grades 3-5)
3. Math Intervention/Enrichment (grade 5)
Recommend approving a resolution to provide transportation for eligible students to Mansfield St. Peter and the Richland Academy of the Arts, non-public schools. This approval will be for the 2012-13 school year, beginning November 15, 2012. The designated bus stop for the 2012-13 school year will be at the intersection of Brandt Road and Portland Way North and the stop will be set annually by the Board of Education. Eligible riders must provide a written Transportation Request Form and Emergency Contact Information Form.
Enter Executive Session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee.
The board authorizes exucution of a settlement agreement with OASPE Local #370 as the result of a grievance arbirtation hearing in Case No. AAA 53 390 0002712.